PM – Yapton

Excellent Service by Professional and Knowledgeable People.

In January 2019 I was searching for a suitable WAV to transport myself and my Mobility Scooter. I looked around and settled on Southern Mobility Vehicles. They had a great selection of used WAVs and were happy for me to try them and they ensured that I could convey my mobility scooter in the rear. I settled on an immaculate, low milage VW Caddy. It was a very reasonable price and I was extremely satisfied and kept it until February 2024.

My circumstances have changed and I now use a large power chair. I needed a different WAV. Where did I go? Obviously back to Southern Mobility Vehicles. I saw an immaculate Ford which was to my liking. Patrick kindly pointed out that it would be unsuitable for my needs. I tried it and he was correct. He suggested that I try a Peugeot Rifter. Bill brought one to my house for me to try. It was nice but not quite right. So they brought another one. It is perfect. Slightly different specs from the first one I tried. A fair price and what’s more a very fair trade in price for my Caddy.

I have been away on holiday and my wife finds it easy to drive being automatic. I stay on my chair in the rear and have good visibility all around me. It makes a world of difference if one can see clearly without contorting ones self. Patrick and Bill could see what was the most suitable vehicle for me and they were right. I can get in the rear via the ramp that my wife finds simple to use. On any fine day, I’ll be out and about in West Sussex and beyond in my lovely Peugeot Rifter.

Thanks for your information and knowledge which has led me to my new vehicle. I can’t thank you enough. Even the coffee that Loretta made was of an unusually good quality! Best regards and keep up the good work.

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